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List of Party Games

Remember when you were growing up what a big deal going to a birthday party was? You got to wear your fancy party dress (for a girl), wrap a wonderful present and have fun with friends! I particularly remember the party games. Although some of our modern day party accoutrements (jumpy houses, on location parties) are great, nothing says, "Good Ol'Fashioned Party" like a game! Whether your just beginning to plan your child's party, or it's days away, below is a list of traditional party games sure to please all ages!

NOTE: This list will be updated, so please bookmark for future use! Also, if there’s a party location that’s missing, be sure to let me know, so I can add it!


Party Games

  1. Pin the Tail on the Donkey

  2. Musical Chairs

  3. Charades

  4. Red Light, Green Light

  5. Tag (and all variants)

  6. Relay Races (obstacle course, potato sack, suitcase relay, spoon relay, etc)

  7. Scavenger Hunts

  8. Treasure Hunts

  9. Costume Contest

  10. Singing (Karoke) Contest

  11. Skits

  12. Telephone Game

  13. Parachute Play

  14. Dress Ups

  15. Bean Bag Toss

  16. Duck, Duck Goose

  17. Hopscotch

  18. Simon Says

  19. Hot and Cold

  20. Mini/PuttPutt Golf

  21. Ring Toss

  22. Hot Potato

  23. Present Unwrap

  24. Twenty Questions

  25. Tug of War

  26. Marco Polo

  27. Bingo

  28. Truth or Dare

  29. Straw Hunt

  30. Categories

  31. Spoons

Party Resources  >  List of Party Games

Image from “When Life Seemed Simpler” by Welleran Poltarnees